To graduate, students will require 80 credits total – with a minimum of 16 at the grade 12 level, and 28 elective course credits. 52 credits are required from the following:
- Two Career Education courses (8 credits total) (replaces Planning 10 and Graduation Transitions)
- Physical and Health Education 10 (4 credits)
- Science 10 (4 credits), and a Science 11 or 12 (4 credits)
- Social Studies 10 (4 credits), and a Social Studies 11 or 12 (4 credits)
- A Math 10 (4 credits), and a Math 11 or 12 (4 credits)
- A Language Arts 10, 11 & 12 (12 credits)
- An Arts Education 10, 11, or 12 and/or an Applied Design, Skills, and Technologies 10, 11, or 12 (4 credits)
Adult Dogwood
Provincial policies supporting students to achieve the Adult Dogwood have not changed.
Adult students have not been required to write provincial assessments, and this will not change.
For a plan specific to you, it will be explored through your Career courses offered as curriculum, ending with a CAPSTONE project which should have you thinking about a direction or path for your future.
Everyone is unique and has a unique path. We have many wonderful and helpful people in our building to support you as well! Reach out to your counselor or Careers teacher and they can help you along the way! You just have to reach out! Ask questions, ask a lot of them! Afterall that is what all these adults are here for – to support you along your way to your future goals and aspirations!