Every student will graduate with attributes, credentials, and experiences to connect their career life plan with their individual talents and passions in pursuit of a balanced, meaningful and fulfilling life.
The Career Technical Centre (CTC) offers a unique educational opportunity for students grades 4-12. Here is a list of some our programs:
- Grades 4-7: Trades “Tool Box” Trailer, project-based learning resources, “Trades Olympics” (gr. 7)
- Grades 8-12: Classroom or Assembly Career Pathways Presentations
- Grade10-12: Trades Intro (NDSS site), Discovery Trades (VIU), WEX, SSA
- Grade 12: Trades Intro (NDSS Site), Discovery Trades (VIU), WEX, SSA, AceIt, Dual Credit Enrichment
CTC Website
See the CTC Website for more information about our programs, deadlines and online application forms.